The controls can be found on each row of the course editor table.
There are two main controls to re-order or shuffle your slides:
Type 1: 'Move' slide (icon: 4 directional arrow
What does it do?
Moves a selected slide to another row. Useful for moving slides further up or down the order.
Follow the steps below to move each slide:
- Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the slide you want to move and click on the 'Move slides position' button
- A dialog window will appear, type in the number of where that slide needs to be moved to, and click 'Move' to confirm.
- You should now see the slide moved to its new location
Type 2: 'Sort' slide (icon: 2 blue arrows pointing up and down
What does it do?
Moves a selected slide up or down a single position from its current position.
Follow the steps below to move each slide:
- Hover over the slide you want to move and click on the 'sort' up or down arrow.
- Clicking on the arrow instantly moves that slide and automatically saves it a new position
Other slide controls:
'Insert' slide
What does it do?
Use this control to slot a slide in between others.
Identical to adding a new slide, however, you can target the exact order in which you want the slide to appear.
How to use it:
Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the slide that you would like to insert the slide above. -
'View' slide
What does it do?
Preview each slide at a time. This preview is identical to what the user will see when they complete their induction.
How to use it:
Click on the icon to preview the slide in a pop-up window.
Hint: You can also click on the 'Title' of each slide for this same preview. -
'Edit' slide
What does it do?
Existing slides can be edited or updated by click on this icon.
How to use it:
Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the slide that you would like to Edit and then click the "Edit" button -
'Delete' slide
What does it do?
Deletes the selected slide. Please make sure you check if any downloadable files are contained inside this slide as all contents will be deleted.
How to use it:
Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the slide that you would like to delete and then click the "Delete" button
Hint: If you'd like to archive that slide for future use, you can simply untick that slide from all courses so it doesn't show up unless you tick it in after.
Pop-up blockers
Warning: Safari on Mac blocks all pop-ups by default and doesn’t have a per-website control pop-up blocking. You can however unblock pop-ups globally so you are able to use the controls above properly.
- From the Safari menu, choose Preferences... and click the Security tab.
- Ensure the Block pop-up windows option is not checked. Unchecking this option will allow pop-ups.