What are 'Tasks' in Altora?
In Altora, users complete their induction by either:
- reading through training material on screen;
- submitting documentation and personal information through a file upload tool or filling in an online form;
- otherwise acknowledging that they have read policies or procedures presented to them and signing off on online.
To record these submissions, Altora captures each action and records it as either a course, document, e-form, or otherwise, an acknowledgement - each of these is referred to as a 'Task' in Altora. Further information about these tasks types can be found below.
Collectively, those tasks can be grouped into a checklist for users to complete - in Altora these checklists are referred to as 'Programs'. See more information about 'Programs' here.
What is the difference between each Task?
There are four types of tasks in Altora. They all differ from the information they are able to collect. Below is an explanation of each type and how they are utilised in Altora.
Every course in Altora is unique from each other - they are identified by a course title and ID so each and every user attempt or completion of that course can be recorded, for the purpose of induction monitoring.
Documents are a record type to collect information about licences, certifications, qualifications, etc from users. You can request users to upload a copy of the documents and store them against its record. A verification process can be set up to approve/decline uploaded documents to ensure accuracy.
Using Altora's e-Form authoring tool, you can build your own online forms for your users to fill in. Collect the information you would usually ask your users to submit, store a copy away, and access it anytime you need under the user's profile.
Other than the regular online e-Form, you can elect to include an e-signature component at the end of the form for users to sign off on.
Acknowledgements are a record type to record "proof of reading" for any documentation you've provided to users. The record is sealed with the user's electronic signature to acknowledgement reading.