If you'd like some automation with getting or setting information within Altora, you can make use of our API, or "Application Programming Interface".
Please note, this will require someone technical from your organisation.
The following can be achieved with the Altora's REST API:
- Get an existing user's details
- Get a list of completed courses between two set dates
- Get a list of all available courses and their IDs
- Get a list of all available documents and their IDs
- Get a list of all available e-forms and their IDs
- Get a list of all available programs and their IDs
- Get document data submitted by a user
- Get latest form data submitted by a user
- Get courses previously completed by a user
- Get all programs assigned to a specified user
- Set assigned programs for a specified user
- Search for details of one or more users that match supplied parameters
- Add a new user
To obtain Altora's API documentation, please contact support@altora.com.au