Manage Companies
Manage company details, and track insurance, licences and safety documentation through the administrator view with the following steps.
From the menu bar, select the Companies tab. This will display a list of all companies you can manage. Select the View button to manage each Company's records.
To add a new company, select the +Add New button and follow the prompts on the screen.
Company Profile
Each Company's current and historic tasks can be seen on its profile page. To the left of the screen are the company details; these can be edited anytime. More information on each of these sections can be found below.
All task types assigned to each Company is displayed under Assignments.
Every row displays a status, the task title, and a renew/submit button to action an item. Toggling the plus sign (+) will show more details for each task underneath.
You can view historic or completed records by selecting the Submitted tab. This has a similar view with toggles to reveal more details for each task.
Filter your list by type or status. Select 'Filter' to toggle these filter options.
Company Admin
If you prefer companies to submit and renew their safety documentation, you can invite a 'Company Admin'. The 'Company Admin' is responsible for submitting all assigned tasks to that Company and keeping their details up to date. Additionally, 'Company Admins' can invite their workers to register for an account and complete their induction.
Watch the video below to invite and remove a 'Company Admin'. Invites are valid for 7 days only; once expired, a new invite will need to be sent.
Company Details
Company details are listed on the left panel of the Company Profile screen. Clicking the 'edit profile button in the top right corner will reveal a slide-in panel to update the Company's details.
There are two navigational tabs:
This form allows you to update the Company's details. All fields are free text inputs; however, the ABN field is dynamic, and with a valid ABN - it will automatically populate the Entity Name for that Company. Please make sure the ABN entered is correct.
To change the status of a company, choose Active or Inactive. This status change will be reflected as a green or red circle next to the Company's profile image, as depicted below.
Business and postal address entries are available. Make sure you click 'Save' before moving between tabs.
View Workers
To view workers who are associated with each Company, select 'View Workers'.
Company Rating and Comments
Enhance a company profile record by adding comments (up to 200 characters) and a 1-5 star rating for each Company. This can be added under the Comments tab. Multiple comments can be added against a company's profile to ensure previous records can be maintained whilst displaying the most recent information.
Company Settings
Access company settings by selecting the 'Settings' button under the company name. A slide-in panel from the right will appear with the options below.
Delete Company
Select the 'Delete Company' button to delete a company and confirm.
Manage Company Assignments
Click Edit Assignments under the 'Assignments' tab to view and/or update existing company tasks assignments.
Manage company admins' ability to add their workers
Allow company admins can invite their workers. Company admins can have the ability to create a user from their Company and assign programs to them, including associating them with theiCompanyny and pre-populating each individual's custom filter under their profile. You can now manage whether this applies to each company admin and enable or disable this function.
This can be done either when adding a company manager:
Or in the edit screen of an existing company: