Altora can be used as an induction and compliance system, as well as a contractor management system. In this article, you will learn how to set up the induction and compliance side of Altora so you can deliver your first induction.
Task roadmap
Here's an overview of the tasks we'll cover in this article.
- Step 1: Registration Fields
- Step 2: System Settings
- Step 3: Determine Courses
- Step 4: Course Specifics
- Step 5: Create Course Content
- Step 6: Determine Documents, e-forms and Acknowledgements Required
- Step 7: Add Trackable Documents
- Step 8: Add e-Forms
- Step 9: Add Acknowledgements
- Step 10: Determine Programs
- Step 11: Create Programs
- Step 12: Create End Users and Assign Programs
Step 1: Registration Fields
Navigate to System Settings in the top right corner under the profile icon (), open Registration Fields, and customise the fields you need users to fill out, as well as specify the desired Field Rules.
Be sure to press Save.
Step 2: System Settings
Still in Settings, navigate to the Behaviour tab, and check all details are correct. These are system-wide details for your Altora account. Please change them if they are incorrect or incomplete.
Scroll down to Advanced Settings and answer the following questions:
- Do you want end-users to be able to register their own account?
- Do you want end users to assign themselves to their own induction programs?
- Do you want end-users to be able to skip videos you have within courses?
- Do you want question options within courses to be randomised in order?
- Do you want the questions and answers in course completion summaries to be hidden?
- Do you want administrators to receive an email every time a new end-user registers?
Be sure to press Save All Changes.
Step 3: Determine Courses
Determine the courses you need to make. If you have paid for Altora to complete a course set up for you, this step can be skipped as you would have already done this.
Step 4: Course Specifics
Under the Users tab, click on Setup, open Courses, change any course names if applicable, add Descriptions as needed, ensure Expiry is correct, and tick Publish on any ready courses.
Step 5: Create Course Content
If you have multiple Matrices, press on the course name you wish to edit, or press Edit Course Content for the appropriate Matrix.
Please refer to this article for creating courses and slides: Creating and updating course slides
If you have paid Altora to complete a course set up for you, this step can be skipped as this would have already been completed.
Step 6: Determine Documents, e-forms and Acknowledgements Required
If you have not already done so, determine if you need any trackable documents e-forms or acknowledgements. Please refer to this article for more information on these task types.
Step 7: Add Trackable Documents
Under Setup, navigate to the Tasks Types, select Documents, and click "+ New Document" to create a new Document. Refer to Creating Documents for Document creation.
If you do not require trackable Documents, skip this step.
Step 8: Add e-Forms
Going back into the Tasks Types, select e-forms, and press "+ New E-Form" to create a new e-form. Refer to Creating E-Forms for e-form creation.
If you do not require e-forms, skip this step.
Step 9: Add Acknowledgements
Going back into the Tasks Types, select Acknowledgements properties, and press "+ New Acknowledgement" to create a new Acknowledgement. Refer to Creating Acknowledgements for Acknowledgement creation.
If you do not require Acknowledgements, skip this step.
Step 10: Determine Programs
If there are different types of users in your system that are required to complete different tasks, for example, a staff induction and a contractor induction, then you will want certain people to only complete certain tasks. You will need to create Programs to suit those users. Determine which Programs you require, and the tasks within those. For more information about programs, refer to this article.
Step 11: Create Programs
In Setup, go to the Program tab and press "+ Program" or "+ Guided Program" to create a new Program. Choose which tasks you want in each Program you create. Refer to this article for Program creation.
Step 12: Create End Users and Assign Programs
Depending on if you allowed end-user self-registration in step 3, either have users create their own accounts or navigate to Users and press "+ New User" in the top left corner to create new users.
Depending on if you allow end users to self-assign Programs in step 3, either have users assign themselves to their own Programs, or assign them when you create their accounts from the Admin view. For more information on user creation, refer to Inviting Users.
Congratulations, you have now fully set up Altora!