You can manage your users, view their details, and manage their accounts with the following steps.
Select Users from the left menu to display a list of all users you can manage. Displayed in this list are all your users on Altora, both active and inactive accounts.
Search for user
To search for a user, type in the keyword in the free text field and then select a field type from the drop-down box and select Search.
Navigating records
Ten (10) records are shown at once, by default, but the number of rows shown can easily be adjusted using the option at the bottom fo the table. Use the page numbers to navigate through the list of records. Tap or select the column heading to sort records in ascending/descending order.
Viewing a user's account
Select the View button to manage the user's record.
Add a new user
To add a new user, select the 'Add New User' button, and follow the prompts on the screen. Learn more.
Manage filters
Customise the columns to be displayed under the user listings by clicking on the Column Selector icon to display a list of columns you can either hide or show.
The columns which administrators select will also appear in the search drop-down box.