Customise course matrix names
Administrators can now customise the course matrix title names to organise their course layouts better. This is located under Course Editor and is actioned by clicking the pen icon next to the course matrix.
Manage company admins ability to add their workers
There is now a switch to allow whether company admins can invite their workers. Company admins can have the ability to create a user from their company and assign programs to them, including associating them to their company and pre-populating each individual's custom filter under their profile. You can now manage whether this applies to each company admin and either enable or disable this function.
This can be done either when adding a company manager:
Or in the edit screen of an existing company:
Personalise Saved Reports as Favourites on the dashboard
Previously, all saved reports, regardless of quantity, would appear on the administrator dashboard. Administrators can now personalise which saved reports appear on their dashboard by favouriting them. Instead of having an extensive list of reports, you can edit it only to display the ones you prefer, which is saved per administrators preference (will only show for that account and not all administrator accounts).
Only reports which have been starred will now display on the dashboard; if no reports have been favourites, then all saved reports will still appear on the dashboard.
Dropdown Registrations Fields to be alpha sorted and moved by drag and drop
All dropdown registration fields can now be alpha sorted in either ascending or descending alphabetical/numerical order. Additionally, the ability to drag and drop the position of a dropdown option has been implemented. Previously this was done manually by moving each option one position at a time; however, you can now freely move the option into the desired position quickly.
User filters to be saved per each Admin's preferences
Recently the ability for administrators to customise the columns displayed under the user listing was implemented; however, this customisation was previously applicable to all admin accounts. Now, any customisation will only appear per each admin's preferences and not be carried over sitewide.